Monday, October 11, 2010


Hey everybody! I'm Ashley, and I'm 11 years old. I'm really excited to have this blog! This blog is going to be about Book reviews, fun stuff I do in home schooling, and I'll answer questions you have (any kind of question you have, whether it's about the Lord, or just my opinion on something). . I hope you enjoy, and keep coming back!!!


  1. Ashley! I am so excited for your new blog. I pray it will be a place where you can journal your thoughts and that it will be a tool God uses to grow your faith. Always remember you are an "ambassador of Christ" and light shining for Him. I can't wait to read all of your posts. Love, Mom

  2. Hi Ashley! What a cool thing to write a blog! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on life and your knowledge about our awesome God!

    Question for you: what's one of the best things about being a child of God?

    <>< jody

  3. Ashley~ Look at you, blogging.. how great. This will be a nice way for me to keep up on you and what you are doing.

    What a fine young lady you are, a true testimony to others to show what a fine light of Christ you are!!

    Blessings to you, Ashley.

    Mrs. Schneekloth : )

  4. Hi Ashley! I hope that you are having a fun time at homeschool. I think it's awesome that you are homeschooled and are blogging. I have a question. Why did you decide to blog?

    I love you. from, christi
